Inspiring youth to live a transformative faith
Jump into ridiculous fun, inspiring worship, relevant talks, and connected groups for Middle and High School students (grades 5-12) all on Sunday nights.
Redeemer Youth
6:00PM - Doors Open for everyone
6:15PM - Middle School Growth Groups
6:45PM - Middle & High School Service
7:45PM - High School Growth Groups
8:30PM - Night Ends
On the calendar
Help us Celebrate 60 Years of Faith Haven!
We are collecting 60 stories to celebrate 60 years of attending Faith Haven! Click the button to learn more about how you can help celebrate!
Meet the Redeemer Youth Director
Jesus wants to engage our heart, head and hands so that we would live a life unashamed of and excited by the gospel. That’s what Confirmation is all about. Youth (in grades 9 and up) who go through Confirmation at Redeemer gain a working understanding of the Bible and Lutheran catechism.