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Summer Camps


9-12th Grade | June 22-27
5-8th Grade | July 13-18

$449 when you register at least 7 days prior to camp.
$479 thereafter.

Best week of the year!

Your youth experience a life transforming week filled with crazy fun, great friends, and deeper faith.

Register today!


We know the incredible impact camp has had on thousands of people worldwide, and we want to make it possible for every child to attend camp who wishes to. That is why Redeemer offers Scholarships for families in need of financial assistance. Simply complete the Camp Scholarship Application. Our funds are limited, but we do our best to serve you and to make attending camp a possibility and not a hardship.

Camp Details

9-12 Grade Camp | June 22-27
5-8 Grade Camp | July 13-18

Check-in and loading at Redeemer on Sunday @ 1PM. The bus(es) will leave once everyone has arrived. Dinner will be at camp.

Return to Redeemer on Friday @ 5PM (approximately).

What To Pack
Bible, Sleeping bag or bedding, Pillow, Toiletries (soap, shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste, etc.), Swimsuit that is Dress Code appropriate, Towel, Sunscreen (SPF 15 or higher), Money (for offering, snacks, and Faith Haven merchandise), Comfortable clothing (see clothing guidelines).

What NOT To Pack
Cell phone, Electronics (iPads, music devices, gaming devices, etc.), Tobacco products, Vape pens, Alcohol, Drugs, Fireworks, Lighters or matches, Pranks, Jewelry or anything of value.

Clothing Guidelines
- Do not wear clothing with inappropriate content - such as profanity, drug references, or nudity.
- Do wear clothing that is modest and has enough material to provide appropriate coverage.
- Do wear swimsuits with enough material to provide appropriate coverage.

Sending Packages & Letters
Mail to Faith Haven Camp. Allow 3-4 days for delivery.

Where is Faith Haven Camp?
38360 N Eagle Lake Road; Battle Lake, MN  56515
(888) 290-2267 (emergencies)

Earlier Event: June 12
Walk with Redeemer in the Parade
Later Event: August 2
Youth Mission Trip - Twin Cities