Wherever you are in your story, you can find your church home at Redeemer.
We are located in Fridley, MN, on Mississippi Street just east of the intersection with East River Road—a 15-minute drive north from downtown Minneapolis. Upon arrival, just pull in to the back parking lot and look for the north-facing Main Entrance.
Walking in
When you walk in through our Main Entrance, you will enter a large commons area—a room to connect with your Redeemer family and check-in your children to Redeemer Kids. The 10:30AM service is held in the lower-level Worship Center just down the stairs on the west side of the building.
10:30am worship
Experience engaging worship at Redeemer’s 10:30AM service held in the lower-level Worship Center. You can expect powerful worship music and relevant messages in an authentic worship community. Check in your kids age birth – Grade 4 to Redeemer Kids which runs alongside this worship experience providing care in fun spaces designed just for them.
Looking for something more traditional? Come at 9am.
Rich history is reflected in Redeemer’s Traditional Service at 9:00AM in the upper-level Sanctuary. Classic hymns, meaningful liturgy, and relevant messages in a space that looks and feels like the church you remember.