Tuesday Bible Study
Study the Bible and have great discussion with others who want to deepen their faith too.
Study the Bible and have great discussion with others who want to deepen their faith too.
Have you lost a loved one? You’re not alone. Come to GriefShare for hope and support.
Connect in authentic community, Engage with a message that will inspire your faith, and have fun with other Young Adults.
Join us for Street Team where you’ll be equipped with practical ways to meet the real needs of real people right here in Minneapolis.
Come enjoy a delicious breakfast before or after your Palm Sunday service.
Join us for a Maundy Thursday service as we remember Jesus' last supper with his disciples.
Bring your kid to Good Friday Day Camp where they will experience the days of Holy Week leading to the resurrection of Jesus on Easter morning.
Join us for a Good Friday service as we commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
Invite your friends and family to sit with you at an Easter Service.
SUNDAY, April 20 | 9AM & 10:30AM
Join us for a weekend at Faith Haven preparing the camp for the summer and working on new projects.
Women of any age, learn how Jesus loves us with immense compassion.
Join us for a collision of acoustic worship, testimonies, and prayer in the Chapel.
Walk the Fridley 49’er Days Parade and serve the people of Fridley.
Hey Youth! Join the Twin Cities Mission Trip Team and make a difference.
The Ash Wednesday service is a special evening where we get to begin Lent together.
Come learn about Building Block Christian Preschool and why it’s a great fit for your 3 to 4 year old.
Get your Lenten Devotional to use each day until Easter, make some crafts with your family, and meet new families too!
Become fully equipped to lead in Redeemer’s Youth & Camp ministries.
An opportunity for youth to join other youth groups around the area in serving Jesus and our community!
5-8th Graders! Invite your friends and join us for the best weekend of winter!
Every member at Redeemer is invited to have a voice in the life of this church! So come to the 109th Annual Meeting and help drive the vision of Redeemer forward.
Have questions about the budget, upcoming facilities projects, or other items to be discussed at the Annual Meeting? This is your opportunity to ask your questions and hear from Redeemer’s leadership about where the Lord is leading us forward.
9-12th Graders! Come celebrate the New Year the best way possible, at camp!
Invite your friends and family to join you this Christmas Eve and be transformed by Jesus, the Savior of the world.
Christmas Eve, December 24
12PM - Sanctuary
2PM - Worship Center
4PM - Worship Center
10PM - Sanctuary
Come choose a Christmas gift for your kids (ages up to 10 years old), and stay for a full Christmas experience.
Get your Advent Devotional to use each day until Christmas, make some crafts with your family, and meet new families too!
Join us this Thanksgiving Eve for a powerful service that will help you have a heart full of gratitude toward Jesus, not just today, but every day.
Join us in partnering with Grace Christian Church in serving those who are experiencing homelessness in Minneapolis.
Invite your friends and family to join us for Fall Fest @ Redeemer!
Men of any age, learn of the power and authority Christ has given you this summer.