Serve Month 2024

Jesus turned the world upside down when He came down as the Son of God, died a sacrifice, and resurrected to new life. In the wake of Jesus’ impact, His followers were navigating a seismic shift to share their life-changing truth. In his first letter to the scattered followers of Jesus, John encourages believers that to believe is to live out radical love. How is radical love still changing the world? In this three-part series we will dive deep into the center of John’s first letter, discover dimensions of God’s love, and be inspired to serve God-sized love.



Messages in this series

July 7, 2024

What is Love?

July 14, 2024

What Does Love Look Like?

July 21, 2024

How to love Fearlessly.

July 28, 2024


There are no services Sunday, July 28th, as it’s Go Serve Day! We here at Redeemer believe in the power of serving so much we take a whole Sunday off to go out into our community and show them God-sized love by serving.

Lauren Strecker