This Week at Redeemer


Sunday, January 19th

9:00am - SERVICE (Traditional)
10:30am - SERVICE (Modern + Online)
10:30am - Break Away (5th - 7th graders)
10:30am - Redeemer Kids
6:00pm - Redeemer Youth


Monday, January 20th


Tuesday, January 21st

9:00am - Building Blocks Preschool
10:00am - Tuesday Bible Study
12:00pm - Later Gators


Wednesday, January 22nd

9:00am - Building Blocks Preschool
9:00am -
Men’s Bible Study
12:00pm - Later Gators


Thursday, January 23rd

9:00am - Building Blocks Preschool
7:00pm -
Christian Recovery Group


Friday, January 24th

6:00pm - Young Adult Gathering


Saturday, January 25th


Sunday, January 26th

9:00am - SERVICE (Traditional)
10:30am - SERVICE (Modern + Online)
10:30am - Break Away (5th - 7th graders)
10:30am - Redeemer Kids
11:45am - 109th Annual Meeting
6:00pm - Redeemer Youth

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